Friday, May 22, 2009

You Drive North. You Drive North. You Drive North.

So, my job is pretty rough. Of course it depends on what you consider rough. I like the people I'm around and the job could be more grueling. What I don't like, however, are tricky situations. There are about four things in particular that I hate. The first is not knowing what to do. Standing around on the clock or being told to do something without any details as to how to do it isn't cool. Second, not being able to understand people over the phone is uncomfortably awkward. I feel horrible when I have to say, "I'm sorry, what was that?" because I have difficulty understanding. Sometimes people have heavy accents, native or foreign, but sometimes I simply have a difficult time interpreting the garble of sounds into words. Third, also dealing with taking orders, I hate being asked something that I don't know. I know a lot more than when they left me on the phones alone on a Saturday evening my first day, but there are a lot of questions and situations that I don't know the answer to. Lastly, I hate finding addresses. Streets aren't bad, but the exact house or, even worse, apartment can be difficult to find, particularly at night. Isn't there a better way than having to call the person because I can't see any of the addresses?

Despite these difficulties, I refuse to cave. My indomitable will must carry me through all adversities. I also need money. One day I'll find a better way of making money, but this is a good job that's helping me overcome some of my largest problems. It's like I'm training myself to be a normal person. Hopefully I'll be able to work more comfortably soon.

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